Thursday, February 26, 2015

Exquisite, new hellebore 'Peppermint Ruffles' from White Flower Farm

"Among the new arrivals is Hellebore Winter Thriller™ 'Peppermint Ruffles,' its gently ruffled white petals edged and etched in deep magenta and accented by yellow stamens. Plant one or two types of Hellebores or choose one of our colorful mixes for a shady or partially shady part of your garden." Plant hellebore in conspicuous locations in the landscape where their beauty and intricacy can be fully-appreciated: entries, small walkways, and approaches. Purchase now as supplies run out quickly.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Now available: New helleborus 'Merlin' from Plant Delights

"We have been most impressed with the Heuger hybrid Helleborus x ballardiae 'Merlin' in our trials. The 28" wide clump of dark green leaves is topped in late winter with 1' tall stalks of outfacing medium pink flowers. Okay, that's nice enough reason to grow Helleborus 'Merlin', but as the flowers age, their color intensifies to an incredibly rich, dark, dusky pink that's truly hard to describe, but resembles something like fall sunset in the high desert."
Buy at:

Saturday, February 21, 2015

New shrubs from White Flower Farm: Hydrangea 'Fire Light'

Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire Light' has an ideal size and blooms from July through September. Check it and other new selections here:

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Additional correct tree selections for large sites

The Green Man has been busy with exciting, new projects throughout the snowy weather. Spring 2015 will be here soon, and you'll be wanting trees for your homesite. Most take small to medium trees that max out at about 25 to 30'. Nonetheless many fine species are the right trees to plant on large estates or extensive sites. Always select a tree for its mature size. White fir (Abies concolor) is a terrific conifer for groupings to provide year round green:
White fir Check to locate a retail outlet near you. Also, many new cultivars now exist with varying characteristics, such as degree of blueness. White fir makes a good substitute for the overplanted blue spruce. Another large site choice is black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica). The fall coloration is spectacular. This tree adds value to your property. Also, it looks great in groupings of 3.
Black tupelo A correct large site tree for swampy areas or pondside is bald cypress (Taxodium distichum):
This tree looks evergreen, but it will give your some fall color before shedding its needles. Finally, of the maples, cultivars of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) are a fine choice. They do provide dense shade. Avoid red maples as they are overplanted and invasive. No 'Crimson King' Norway maples, and certainly avoid silver maples. Striped maple is good as well as upright Japanese maples, Amur maples, and hedge maples.

"Get into galanthus": the snowdrop

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Trees for large sites

Many clients have extensive acreage on which to plant trees, so here are a few trees that grow large and are appropriate for large sites. Always plant for the mature size. Purple European Beech (Fagus sylvatica riversii)
Photo: More info: Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginica)
Less well-known is hophornbeam, which offers 4-season interest and is tough. Will max out at about 35'. Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) 'Morris Blue'
The Green Man considers elegant Korean pine to be the most graceful of all pines. Plant in groupings of 3, 5. This pine maybe difficult to locate, but it is worth looking for.