Saturday, May 23, 2015

Daylily special on sale at Smokey's

Hemerocallis 'Yuulong' Smokey's is featuring an array of choice plants at 10 for $14.95. Take a look here:

Friday, May 22, 2015

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' adds size variety

The Green Man picked up hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'a week or so ago to add to a hosta bed. Besides being a charming addition, this variety adds to scale. Often hosta beds lack variation in the size of the plants. Utilizng 'Blue Mouse Ears" is one way of providing greater interest by varying the size of your plants in dramatic ways. For example, hosta 'Empress Wu' also makes a statement about size variation in the genus.
"A delightful miniature variety reaching to about 8in in height, but it's as tough and resilient as any. This dainty charmer makes a neat, symmetrical clump of silvery blue leaves which roll up endearingly at the edges. Derived from the excellent 'Blue Cadet', and one of the best dwarf Hostas." Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' is avaible here: