Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hunt for tree and shrub bargains in Autumn

September and October are good months to visit your local garden centers to find tree and shrub bargains. Many nurseries do not want to hold stock over the winter, so they mark down items. However, do not select a tree or shrubs by the hefty percentage off retail. For example, 50% off a 'Crimson King' maple is not in any way a good deal. In fact, this tree is invasive, creates dense shade, and it is simply too large for most home sites, Here's a short-list of items to look for for your landscaping: For flowering trees, avoid crabapples and pears, and go with star magnolias, Kousa dogwoods, and serviceberry 'Autumn Brilliance" shown here:
Photos courtesy If you want a maple, try Japanese maples and paperbark maples, both of which max out at a medium size. You should have both of these on your site. Want a paper birch? Forget it because of the bronze birch borer. One species is resistant and that is the wonderful river birch 'Heritage.' Consider selecting lesser-known trees such as the goldenrain tree, Koelreuteria paniculata. For conifers, try smaller-size pines such as the Vanderwolf's and weeping blue atlas cedars.
Vanderwolf's pine Photo courtesy Shrubwise, virtually any viburnum is a great purchase as long as it is at least somewhat VLB-resistant. Hydrangeas of all sorts are good, too. Go for doublefile viburnums, top of the line. Happy bargain-hunting.

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