Sunday, September 7, 2014

Shop for autumn tree bargains, but select the right species

With the advent of September, TGM recommends visits to garden centers to search for tree bargains.  Many maybe marked down as much as 50% simply because owners to not want to carry the stock over the winter.

Resist the temptation to buy most maples.  They are over-planted, some invasive, they create too much shade for the average home sight, and they grow to large.  Select these maples: Japanese or paperbark

Because of disease issues, avoid ash trees, any birch except for river birch (Betula nigra 'Heritage",

For a flowering, low management tree, 'Autumn Brilliance' serviceberry is hard to top.  Avoid callery pears as the are overplanted and may go to 35'.  Most sites require trees that max out at about 25'.

Choose your site carefully and plant for the tree's mature size.  Do not plant a tree too close to the house.  Check the tree's maximum width, divide by 2 and then add 8'.  For example, a tree that maxes out at 30' wide ought to be planted 15' plus 8' from the house.  Use large shrubs to fill up the gap between house and trees, especially viburnums and hydrangeas.

Plant for sunlight, too.  Most trees require plenty of sunlight.  Your soil ought to be slightly acid.

Work in odd numbers based on 3.  A charming combination is Goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria  paniculata, Japanese maple 'Fireglow,' and star magnolias.  Accent with a Korean pine if you can find one, and give it room near the periphery of the site.

Goldenrain tree

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